The 12 Pillars of
Audacious Leadership
Leaders in the modern day workplaces are facing more and more "people based" challenges and problems on a daily basis than they have ever had before. These challenges and problems are focused around effective communication, relationship management, problem solving and critical thinking.
Audacious leadership is designed to develop the curious mindset rather than the judgmental mindset, which in turn will then enhance, the level of thinking to resolve these daily challenges and problems, swiftly, effectively and to do all of this with the grace and humility of a Leader who is confident (not arrogant) and clearly has the teams best interests at heart.
The conscious leadership program is created from over 20+ fact based and evidence based models of human behaviour. Meaning that the program is always tailored to meet the needs of the participants.
Because, when we can understand the universal patterns of human behaviour, we can then predict how an individual or group of individuals will react and respond to circumstances with a high level of accuracy. It is only when we can do this, that we have the 2 or 3 step head-start which enables us to Lead effectively, confidently, authentically and to do all of that with a "people centric" focus and achieve consistent, sustainable outcomes.
Contact Steve Barker directly and he will share with you even more information and detail about the program and how it works, the impact it has and how it can be tailored to meet your specific needs.
What is Conscious Leadership?
A Conscious Leader leads with authenticity, communicates effectively, recognises inner faults, calibrates emotions, develops relationships, mediates conflict, and evaluates outcomes. Leading a team or business begins with the individual’s own personal development of these foundational skills before they can truly lead as an example.
The 12 Pillars are built on Steve Barker’s own experience in the military, a deep knowledge of human behaviours, and evidence-based frameworks and models. The 12 Pillars course is designed to shape and create resilient and effective leaders in the workplace.
Participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of foundational leadership skills. Frameworks and models that can be used in everyday decision making. Strategies to overcome conflict and stress. Systems and processes to effectively approach tasks. And concepts and activities to develop healthy workplace cultures.
Participants will also receive access to 24/7 support, recordings and videos of all modules, models and frameworks they cover. All of these support materials will create a comprehensive Leadership library, which can be used to teach and upskill new future Leaders, effectively future proofing any team or organisations Leadership training for decades to come.
Below are examples of some of the 20+ Audacious Leadership Modules that the tailored program can be built from. Hover and see the overview for each module below.
Pillar 1
Leadership & Emotional Intelligence
Pillar 2
Understanding Emotions
Pillar 3
Connection & Communication
Pillar 4
Calibrating: Yourself, Others, & Situations
Pillar 5
Conflict Management
Pillar 6
Stress Management
Pillar 7
Goal Setting for Growth
Pillar 8
Planning & a Systematic Approach to Tasks
Pillar 9
Effective Communication
Pillar 10
How to Read Others
Pillar 11
Pillar 12
These are just 12 modules out of 23 that are used to develop your unique Leadership Program

The 12 Pillars of Audacious Leadership Works
With over 200 end of program survey's completed you can see the impact of the program on its participants.
One of the most common themes from the survey was the incredible level of professional and person support provided by Steve Barker throughout the program.