5 Steps to Lead Others
Far too many people think of leadership as simply being in a position of authority over others. That may put you in charge, but it does not make you a leader? If you are going to get the most out of your employees, then it is important to understand the qualities that make for a good leader and how that applies to yourself.
To be a successful leader, there are many facets to the role. You need the proper instincts, training, expertise, and knowledge to be able to lead a company to its fullest potential. This means finding solutions during difficult times and creating clear goals that help the business to progress and thrive.
Emotions can often block solutions and cloud judgement whether it’s fear, dread, or anxiety. Many develop skills to navigate their emotions whether they come to the solution naturally, self-taught or developed over time. However, some skills are taught through adversity and hardship.
If you are going to be a successful leader, you have to believe in your abilities to lead. It means unlocking your true potential and knowing yourself. Here are five steps that can help you to become a great leader.
Know What Your Values and Goals Are
The first step is to look inside yourself and determine exactly what it is that you value. What is it that you think is important personally and professionally? Once you understand that, it is easier to start examining your goals, not only for yourself but also for the business and the people you lead. When you understand these values, you also understand the limits of what you were willing to do. Knowing your threshold is extremely important because your values will determine what you are capable of, without compromising your values.
Own Your Decisions
You know your values and you know your goals. Now it’s time to act and produce results. Whether the outcome is good or bad based on your decisions, you know that you’ve thought about it 100 times every way. Take solace in the fact that when you made the decision to act and you weren’t stifled by indecision. It was truly of your own compass and measure, not guided by others.
Take Responsibility to Make Changes
As part of being responsible for your actions, be bold and take charge in bringing about good decisions that can benefit your company. Understand that change first begins with you, and once you have made the proper changes in yourself, you can then lead your business even better. Knowing yourself helps you to take charge. Take responsibility and lead from the front, the change begins with you.
Respect the Beliefs and Opinions of Others
You recognize your own values and what they mean in terms of being a good leader. Respect the fact that people have different opinions and values than you. A good leader does not ignore or dismiss others’ ideas and opinions. Instead, they use the values and ideals of others and then find ways to incorporate those into meeting an organisation's goals. A good leader also understands that they may be wrong, and that others may have better ideas. Do not be afraid of the difference of opinion, you may find opportunities within differing ideas.
Control Your Fear
Everyone has fears. But you need to take charge of your emotions. Do not let them be the principle upon which you make decisions. Instead, let them be nothing more than a voice that has you consider all options before making decisions. It is not THE voice but one within your own internal meeting room, that you need to consider.
Being a good leader is about being a person that your employees will have confidence in, leads from example, and drives excellence within themselves and others.

Ready for More?
Where do you measure up? Think you have some or most things covered? Or maybe need to work on a few things? Get in touch or check out the leadership programs and courses that Steve Barker offers. He’s a no-frills, direct-to-action coach with the skills and history to match!
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